Intro to the bored housewife.Nope....the bored homemaker!

Let me start by telling you when and why the housewife became "the homemaker". mother corrected me when I called myself a housewife earlier and told me that "beta, you are a homemaker not a housewife". If you were expecting a deeper meaning in the above statement, sorry to disappoint!

Before you educate me for being lazy, living off husband's money, having self- respect and importance of financial independence because I am a home maker, let me tell you a little about myself. I am a 31-year-old woman, been married for little over a year. My hobbies keep changing like weather these days. Living in my own fairytale world (not always with a happy ending!)

Points to note to understand why I am a home maker now:

1. I used to work with a reputed e-commerce firm till a couple of months ago, owned by the person who was particularly interested cruising through his multi- billion-dollar boat by demolishing a century old bridge (I may be wrong with the facts and figures, also too lazy to google it 😅). 

2. I am married to an officer of the Indian Army and have chosen to tag along with my husband in his postings just like the puppy from Vodafone ad (Wherever he goes, I will follow). Since the reputed firm did not give me an option to work from home at the current posting, I had to resign. Also, having to pack and unpack my house every two years while working with a firm who put their business ahead of everything else was simply not practical. 

3. I have been told to start pursuing B.Ed. or any other degree related to the education industry to explore opportunities with every transfer. But honestly as I'm growing older, I'm realizing my patience level is diminishing with age which might not be a good quality in a teacher.

So, for now, till I can figure out what to do with my life, I'm going to pen down my thoughts so that I don't turn into a person who talks to herself. It would be better to be known as Alice in wonderland instead of Annabelle!

 If you have absolutely nothing to do, like me, you can read through my stories if or when I publish. (I have absolutely no idea how and what to write yet. Guess it will be a surprise for you and me, both.)

Also...please note: Never in my life have I enjoyed writing so for all the grammar geeks out there, I apologize in advance.

Till then wishing from the bottom of my heart that boredom don't get to you like it got to me ;)


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