Tales of a bored homemaker - Expectations vs Reality

Let me first thank all of you who encouraged me to write and the ones who chose to remain quiet and not discourage 😊 For those who are reading my blog for the first time, you may want to get some background from my previous post so that you don’t start wondering why this woman is not making any sense.

For everyone else with some idea about me, let me clarify that while the life of a homemaker is mostly a busy one, I don’t have a busy life yet. I don’t cook, clean, wash clothes or deal with relatives (fauji ones too, ifykyk :P). I’m grateful for this life and for having a husband without whom this life would have been a distant dream. Yes…yes… I am blessed, I know!! (Wait till you see us fightingπŸ˜‰)

Since I have all the time in this world, I thought I should share my boredom and random thoughts with you. 

As a human being, of course there are some expectations set for me by society, parents, in-laws, husband and my own self. I mentioned "human being" because expectations are applicable to all genders. If there are some expectations for me, my husband also has his own share of expectations set by others. For example, my parents and in-laws have been expecting their grandchild from the day we got married and it is applicable to the both of us. Thankfully there’s no gender disparity in this matter.

Here are some expectations for me irrespective of who set it and when it was set. Remember, these are all the thoughts in my head which I’m trying to express with the best of knowledge I have so that I don’t turn into Anabelle. 

Here's a photo of Anabelle for your understanding. If she didn't scare you then I applaud you. Now you can read on to know my scary thoughts. 

So here it goes ....

1. I’m expected to be grateful for my current life. The reality is that while I truly am grateful, it would have been better if this life also included a well-paying job that also satisfies my passion. I don't think it's too much to ask at the time of recession. Isn't it? Also after dedicating my last few years for a big corporate I have to figure out what my passion actually is.

2. I’m expected to utilize my current time in an effective way. I’ve been advised to go for walking, jogging, cycling, swimming (Fun fact: I don’t know how to swim), painting, drawing, dancing, learning something new, getting certifications and so on… The reality is I woke up today, stared at the ceiling and decided to make two pigtails. Why did I make pigtails? Anabelle inspired me...Bwahahahaha!

3. I’m expected to plan for a child. The reality is me and my husband are still trying to figure out which movie to watch together and we still haven’t been able to mutually agree to one. So, planning anything else is just out of the question.

4. I’m expected to relax and enjoy life. The reality is while I really want to, I just don’t know how to do it without knowing how I’m going to improve myself be it financially or creatively or just simply as a decent human being.

There are many more but honestly, I’m now too tired to think and more importantly turn my thoughts into words with decent grammar. Sorry grammar geeks! 

With these expectations and many more, the reality is that I still have a lot to figure out but at this moment I'm choosing to give myself a break and just rest. 

If you have absolutely nothing to do right now, like me, do let me know in the comments below what are the expectations set for you (or by yourself) vs what is your reality.

Link to my previous post: https://notahousewifebutahomemaker.blogspot.com/2023/02/intro-to-bored-housewifenopethe-bored.html


  1. Everyone has one's own dreams...Mine is to travel to the hills, mountains, riverside... Sing.. Dance along watching nature...

  2. Thanks Akash for taking time out to read it😊


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