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Tales of a bored homemaker - Self esteem

Welcome to another not so interesting read of thoughts, questions and discussions going  around in my mind. If you are a bored homemaker as I, you may be able to relate to these thoughts regarding self-esteem.  These wandering thoughts about self-esteem arose during one of those not so happy discussions with my husband. He suggested I look for a job so that I can keep my mind busy and channel my energy into something productive instead of these not so productive discussions. It was surprising since he is generally a supportive partner. It also led me into thinking - Is this how it is going to be hereafter? Are my discussions going to be productive only if I have job or a hobby that keeps my mind busy? For someone like me who just got into the role of a homemaker, my self-esteem took a hit with these thoughts. I've been advised time and again by families, and society to find a job not for financial independence but to keep the mind busy. It's generally made apparent that finance

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